To Julia Finney

15 January 1857


[MS in Finney Papers, Supplement # 59]


Boston 15. Jan. 1857.

Dear Julia.

Yours of the 13th is just recd I want

to do the best for you that I can. Your eyes prevent

book study. The cultivation of your musical

talent you seem at present to be shut up to. If

Aunt Sarah approves & your practice will

not annoy her I think the Lord will approve

that use of the $.40. required. You have my

consent. I will D.V. send you some money

in due time. We are very busy & the

religious interest is increasing daily.

James writes that Uncle Hobart is going

west. I am glad of that. I sho[u]ld have liked

it better had we been at home. But if he

cant go when we are at home I hope he

will go when we can. Your mother is just

come in from one of her prayermeetings.

She will write when she has time.

The Lord bless you my Dear Daughter.

Give a world of love to Ange & Fanny &

Uncle & Aunt. I will write James &

[page 2]

inclose with this. I preach twice on sab.

& every evening except saturday -

This is the hardest place to promote a

revival that there is, but the Lord will

prevail over it. Dont let your music lead

you to neglect your soul.

But I am called for.

Good by my love, Dont

fail to write as often as you can.

Your aff. Father

C. G. Finney.


[in Mrs Finney's handwriting]


Dear Julia

I see Father has given his

consent to your taking lessons in singing

you know that this meets my approbation

but I thought as there was a little

space on the sheet I would occupy

it in assuring you of my love



Probably James Atkinson Ford, Mrs Finney's son.

Julia Finney's step-son's wife, Marie, in a sketch of her husband, spoke about the influence that Julia had over the children of James Monroe when she became their step-mother:

Julia Finney's keen interest in music and nature and good literature became a lifelong bond of sympathy between her and her step-son.

Their new mother undertook to teach them French and to instruct them in music. She was a good linguist and possessed a beautiful soprano voice. She had spent several years with relatives in Brooklyn, New York, and had acquired much of the formality and quiet elegance of manner and habit of life then peculiar to the gentility of New York (Marie J. Monroe, "Sketch of Charles Edwin Monroe" in Charles E. Monroe Papers, Oberlin College Archives, 30/136, pp. 5-6).