To Albert Barnes, Thomas Brainerd, John Jenkins

and John Chambers

12 February 1856


[MS in Dreer Collection, American Clergy, The Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia.]


Rochester 12th Feb. 1856.

Dear Brethren. Barnes, Braynard,

Jenkins & Chambers.

Your kind letter

of the 1st inst. did not reach

me until the 9th. Nothing

would be more grateful to

my feelings than to comply

with your request, could

it appear to be consistent with

duty to leave this city at

the present time. Br. Shaw

has, I believe, written you

respecting the state of things here.

The interest is already very

extensive but still extending,

& dispersing. The work is reaching

the hard cases as unbelief

calls them. How long I shall feel

constrained to remain here

I know not. Should the state of


[page 2]

in Phil. continue to increase in

interest & should the brethren

unite in the desire to have

me come, say a month hence,

I may see my way clear by that

time to leave. I dare not promise,

for the work here bids fair to go on

& increase for a long time to come.

As it is taking a powerful hold

of God's children my hope has

been, & is, that the membership

of the churches will get into

such a state that the Pastors

will go forward, with God's help

& wither the effici[e]nt aid of the

churches, & consent to let me

leave. There is, at present, no

meeting the wants of the inquiring

multitudes by the help on the

ground. In deed religion is, at present,

the absorbing topic. & every bodys ears

are open. I have seen two very

extensive revivals in this city

[page 3]

before. The first in 30. & 31. The

this time,

second in 42. The present, at ^ present

looks as if it might exceed

either of them. But every thing

is in the ha[n]ds of God. Human

infirmity & sin may be suffered

to mar it. Do, My Brethren, pray

for us, that God will control all

the influences here is a manner

to secure the highest good.

The Lord bless you

my Dear Brethren

Yours Most fraternally.

C. G. Finney.



This word looks like "wither". Perhaps Finney had meant to write "with".